Welcome to Year 5
2x Blue/Black Pens
2x Red Pens
2x Lead Pencils
30cm Ruler
Coloured Pencils
2x box of tissues
Paint shirts
Glue Sticks
Homework Book
Roll paper towel
USB Stick
Whiteboard markers
Homework is an essential tool necessary to aid in the consolidation of work completed in the classroom. We encourage ALL students to complete their homework as part of their nightly routine. Homework will go home each Monday and is to be returned to class on Fridays.
It is important that students are provided with enough healthy food each day to help them concentrate and learn.
Crunch and Sip- Every class will include a short Crunch and Sip time at approximately 10am. Students are encouraged to pack a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables to eat during this time. Fresh fruit, vegetables and water only are allowed during this time.
Nut Aware- We have several children who are anaphylactic, and any contact with nut or products including nut could be potentially life threatening. Parents are reminded to ensure student's lunches are free from nuts, (eg. peanut butter and nutella).
Special Activities:
Throughout the year your child may be involved in the following:
* UNSW Computer, Science, English, Writing, Spelling and Maths competitions.
* Public Speaking and Debating.
* Premier's Spelling and Reading challenge.
Mobile Phones:
School policy, if your child needs to bring a mobile phone to school, they must remain in school bags and be switched off when they enter the School grounds and turned on when they leave.
Year 5 Requirements
1 exercise book - 1 x Class Homework
3 HB pencils
2 blue pens – not felt tip
2 red pens
1 x 30cm ruler – not metal or flexi
Glue stick
Sharpener with catcher
Small pencil case for daily use
Coloured pencils (textas are an optional extra)
Dictionary of appropriate difficulty
Thesaurus – this is optional
2 whiteboard markers
NO liquid paper – including no liquid paper tape
USB storage stick- named
Headphones/earphones- labelled or in a labelled snap lock bag
Paint shirt
For communal class use:
1 box of tissues for classroom use
1 Hand soap
2 rolls of paper towel
Your child has progressed to Learning Stage 3, the final stage of primary school.