Welcome to Year Three
Blue Pens
Red Pens
Lead Pencils
30cm Ruler
2 Glue Sticks
Pencil Case
Coloured Pencils
Homework Book
White board markers
Students may have textas and crayons, which can be used during selected activities.
Homework is an essential tool necessary to aid in the consolidation of work completed in the classroom. We encourage ALL students to complete their homework as part of their nightly routine. Homework will go home each Monday and is to be returned to class on Fridays. Homework tasks are to be completed in their homework book to an acceptable standard. If your child is unable to complete the homework or is having difficulties please contact your class teacher via email, seesaw or a short written note.
Mobile Phones:
In accordance with our school policy, if your child needs to bring a mobile phone to school, please advise the classroom teacher. At school, mobile phones must remain in school bags and be switched off.
Each teacher in Stage 2 will be setting up a class Seesaw, Class craft and/or Class Dojo account this year. A letter will be sent home soon that will explain how you can connect via your mobile phone or computer. Through these apps you will be able to see samples of your child's work, keep up to date with notes and class events and communicate with your child's teacher. In order to ensure our students are safe we request that parents make appointments to discuss issues with their classroom teacher. You can call the school office on: 4625 2271.
It is important that students are provided with enough healthy food each day to help them concentrate and learn.
Crunch and Sip- Every class will include Crunch and Sip in their daily routines. Students are encouraged to pack some fresh fruit or vegetables to eat during this time. Fresh fruit, vegetables and water only are allowed during this time not pre processed foods such as tinned fruits.
Odd weeks
It is important that your child wears sports uniform and joggers to school on Friday so they are able to participate in activities.
Year Three Requirements
A pencil case containing the following clearly labeled stock:
2 HB pencils
1 eraser
1 sharpener that will catch the shavings
1 30cm ruler (not metal or flexi)
1 pair of scissors 2 glue sticks
Coloured pencils
NO liquid paper (including no liquid paper tape)
1 Homework book A4 size
4 white board markers & 1 white board eraser
1 paint shirt (an old large sized t-shirt that covers the clothing is fine.)
For communal class use:
2 large boxes of tissues
1 packet of chux wipes
2 rolls paper towels
Students may bring textas to school but these will not be used very often so please have them in a separate pencil case.
Your child has taken the significant step from infants to primary school and into the first year of Learning Stage 2.